Drug Intervention - How to Stage a Successful Drug Intervention
A traditional drug intervention involves family members and friends confronting an addicted individual about their addictive behavior. The intervention team teaches loved ones the risks of enabling behaviors and explores the addict's needs. The team makes clear that it fully supports the addicted individual's recovery. If the addicted individual refuses treatment, consequences may include the removal of family members and financial support. This approach can be more effective when all the participants agree to counseling. However, it is not suitable for every situation.
View here for more alcohol addiction intervention plans.
The intervention process can be a tricky one. The individual may be put on the spot, making them guarded and unwilling to admit to their addiction. Although the idea of staging an intervention has gained popularity in recent years, little scientific research has been done on its effectiveness. In 1996, one study concluded that loved ones staging interventions were more likely to convince an addict to enter treatment. But more recent studies have been unable to confirm this finding. A successful intervention team should carefully prepare and follow the steps listed below.
The intervention process is extremely emotional. An interventionist should be present to keep the conversation calm and positive. The purpose of an intervention is to help the addict receive help, so the interventionist should keep accusations out of the equation. This will ensure the success of the intervention. When an interventionist conducts the intervention, all participants must be well-prepared. Everyone on the intervention team should have written down notes describing how substance abuse has affected them. The notes should be read aloud to the addict and the interventionist should be present for the entire event.
Before staging an intervention, it is best to discuss the problem with your loved one without interrupting them. You should arrange a quiet location free of interruptions and distractions. When you are speaking with the addicted individual, explain your concern and ask if they are willing to accept your plan. If they refuse, the intervention can serve as a final warning to the addict. Once the intervention has been staged, the addict should enter rehab for treatment.
The planning process involves members of the addicted person's social circle and extended family. If the individual refuses to attend the meeting, the group should meet regularly and discuss the extent of the addiction. The intervention should be staged before the addict begins to isolate himself or herself from the rest of the world. This is important because the individual might not be open to discussing treatment options. A person may become defensive and resentful if the intervention isn't staged before the addict reaches a certain point in his or her addiction.
Learn more here about the purpose of the intervention.
When planning an intervention, you should prepare your loved one for possible objections and be prepared for such objections. If possible, prepare calm responses to the objections of your loved one. You should avoid confrontation during the intervention. The purpose of the intervention is to show your loved one that you support him or her, and are willing to help him or her get clean and start living a sober life. Avoid name-calling, accusation, or blame-shifting.
This post: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addiction elaborates more on the topic, so you may need to check it out.